Legal Regulations for Valuation and Transparency in the Real Estate Market in Tanzania, a research report published as conference proceeding; FIG Working Week, Orlando,...
Our team offers research services in the six cognate areas of our specialization. Some are contracted research while some are of our cause. Access to contracted research documents is limited but can be available upon request and consent by the contracting client. Current researches done include:
Legal Regulations for Valuation and Transparency in the Real Estate Market in Tanzania, a research report published as conference proceeding; FIG Working Week, Orlando,...
A chapter in a book ‘Building the Just City in Tanzania- Essays on Urban housing;
A socio-Political Analysis- a research that sought to explain the growing problem of valuation accuracy, published by the International Journal of Real Estate and Planning,
Research report presented at World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2020-
Dilemma of regulating residential real estate markets in developing countries, presented at an International conference Hanoi-
An Empirical Analysis- Research report funded by SIDA through Ardhi University that investigated improvement areas in valuation methods -presented at FIG Conference -
The Social Justice Case: research that explored significance of land governance and institutional framework for delivery housing on an equitable basis and abiding with the principles of social justice and livelihood rights; published as conference proceeding with...
(Contracted research), by the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development which was based on best practice studies covering three countries ( Singapore, Kenya and South Africa.
Contracted research by the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement, best practice studies covering four countries, with the objective of prospecting on setting up real estate regulatory board in Tanzania
This was an extended research work which resulted in a conference presentation available at
The case of Dar es Salaam and Dodoma: This research seeks to deepen the previous rental research undertaken in Tanzania in 2018, by exploring the supply-side ecosystem of urban rental housing markets. The research focused on the cities of Dar es Salaam and Dodoma. The...
Tanzanian Context of Sustaining Livelihood in Expropriation Projects, a research on land acquisition and compensation problem, discussing the disparity between Tanzania and World Bank practices- available online JLAEA Vol 2 Issue 2, Ardhi University,...