About Us

Majengo Estates Developer is a consulting firm that offer include Property Consultancy, land development delivery and appraisals, asset and real estate valuation, agency brokerage, real estate research and more

Constitution and Legal Status

Majengo Estates Developers Ltd was incorporated in Dar es Salaam on 9th January 1995 as a real estate firm offering a wide range of real estate services under one roof. The name of the firm ‘MAJENGO’ which is Swahili word for ‘BUILDINGS’ reinforces the commitment of the pioneers of the firm on sustaining physiological and economic needs of the built environment in which our clients operate and take rest after hours of toiling. Our humble beginnings were in the contracting business mainly carrying out ground maintenance, repairs and improvement works on buildings. With an increasing number of young graduates joining the partnership mainly from BSc Degree programme, we transformed ourselves into a consulting firm.

The Consultancy services that we have continued to offer include asset and property valuation for various purposes, land advisory services, development appraisals, real estate and housing research, facilities management, agency brokerage.

Corporate Information

Directors and main shareholders of the firm:-

  1. Dr Felician Komu – Lead Consultant and Principal Research
  2. Macloud Lyimo – Senior Valuation Consultant
  3. Mr Nicodemus Komu– Facilities Management
  4. Reginald Mosha – Senior Valuation Consultant
  5. Mr Charles Nderingo – Senior Valuation Consultant
  6. Mrs Theresia Riwa – Senior Valuation Consultant

Our Values

Majengo Estates Developers Ltd subscribes to Professional Code of Conduct that forms core of its guidance in discharging professional services. Its staff are registered professionals with a number of Professional Association and Boards. The current professional bodies that are associated to our practice include the following:

  1. National Council of Professional Surveyors
  2. International Valuation Standards Council
  3. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  4. Code of Conduct
  5. Human Rights Policy

Our Service

We offer consultancy services in 6 key areas: (i) Asset and Property Valuation(ii) Land Advisory Services (iii) Development Appraisals (iv) Real Estate and Housing Research (v) Facilities Management (vi) Agency Brokerage

Support to Education

In recognition of the need for excellence in areas of our competence, Majengo Estates Developers Limited sponsors special academic prizes for University Students within the Country. Over the last 10 years Majengo has offered Prizes for Best Student in the Subject LM 329 Maintenance of the Built-Environment.


We encourage young professionals to join and develop careers with us.